This script revolves around the story of a young man named Xu Zheng (played by Wang Ziyi) who saves his biological father. He has had three fathers since he became sensible: his biological father Xu Hangzhou (played by Weizi), his adoptive father Yu Zhenglong (played by Wang Xueqi), and his adoptive father Chen Wanli (played by Zhang Fengyi). But his adoptive father and adoptive father are a pair of two major pharmaceutical industries with years of grudges
This script revolves around the story of a young man named Xu Zheng (played by Wang Ziyi) who saves his biological father. He has had three fathers since he became sensible: his biological father Xu Hangzhou (played by Weizi), his adoptive father Yu Zhenglong (played by Wang Xueqi), and his adoptive father Chen Wanli (played by Zhang Fengyi). But his adoptive father and adoptive father are a pair of two major pharmaceutical industries with years of grudges