This online short drama revolves around the daily lives of a pair of siblings. My older brother is a professional screenwriter, with a tall figure, a refined temperament, and a pursuit of quality of life. He is a sullen and sadistic younger brother. My younger brother, a sophomore in high school, is a silly, handsome, and self proclaimed mature and childish ghost. Due to the fact that my parents have been doing business in Thailand for a long time, there are only left behind brothers in the family
This online short drama revolves around the daily lives of a pair of siblings. My older brother is a professional screenwriter, with a tall figure, a refined temperament, and a pursuit of quality of life. He is a sullen and sadistic younger brother. My younger brother, a sophomore in high school, is a silly, handsome, and self proclaimed mature and childish ghost. Due to the fact that my parents have been doing business in Thailand for a long time, there are only left behind brothers in the family