The drama tells the story of Yu Hao (played by Gao Hanyu), who doesn't even know how to cook and doesn't have a kitchen. In order to create his own food platform, he sponsors a food reality show and appears on his own screen. But efficiency first, he didn't want to waste time learning how to cook, so he used a stunt double to shoot and offended the production team. Su Kelan (played by Zheng Qiuhong) is in danger and receives
The drama tells the story of Yu Hao (played by Gao Hanyu), who doesn't even know how to cook and doesn't have a kitchen. In order to create his own food platform, he sponsors a food reality show and appears on his own screen. But efficiency first, he didn't want to waste time learning how to cook, so he used a stunt double to shoot and offended the production team. Su Kelan (played by Zheng Qiuhong) is in danger and receives