"Da Dian Dang" tells the story of a convoluted, bizarre, and tumultuous commercial war. In addition to showcasing the different business values of three generations in the 1960s, the drama also incorporates unique and heart wrenching love hate relationships. The whole drama, through the comparison of honesty, righteousness, kindness, and deceit in the commercial world, triggers the audience's thoughts on the truth, goodness, beauty, and falsehood, evil, and ugliness of human nature
"Da Dian Dang" tells the story of a convoluted, bizarre, and tumultuous commercial war. In addition to showcasing the different business values of three generations in the 1960s, the drama also incorporates unique and heart wrenching love hate relationships. The whole drama, through the comparison of honesty, righteousness, kindness, and deceit in the commercial world, triggers the audience's thoughts on the truth, goodness, beauty, and falsehood, evil, and ugliness of human nature