"Snowy Sky Road" is a 38 episode TV series sponsored by the Central United Front Work Department and the Ministry of Railways, co produced by the Propaganda Department and the United Front Work Department of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, and jointly produced with an investment of 30 million yuan from five institutions including Beijing Television Art Center and Zhongshida International Media Co., Ltd., which comprehensively reflects the construction process of the sky road. one hundred and ninety-five
"Snowy Sky Road" is a 38 episode TV series sponsored by the Central United Front Work Department and the Ministry of Railways, co produced by the Propaganda Department and the United Front Work Department of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, and jointly produced with an investment of 30 million yuan from five institutions including Beijing Television Art Center and Zhongshida International Media Co., Ltd., which comprehensively reflects the construction process of the sky road. one hundred and ninety-five