The annual revolutionary drama "Moving Gun Mouth", directed by renowned director Su Zhou and starring renowned actors Yu Rongguang, Guo Jinglin, Yu Xiaoguang, and others, is currently being intensively filmed in Shanghai. Recently, the drama has opened up media tours, and due to the high temperatures encountered in a century, the crew has been experiencing indescribable hardships. Yu Rongguang's mouth was even more affected by
The annual revolutionary drama "Moving Gun Mouth", directed by renowned director Su Zhou and starring renowned actors Yu Rongguang, Guo Jinglin, Yu Xiaoguang, and others, is currently being intensively filmed in Shanghai. Recently, the drama has opened up media tours, and due to the high temperatures encountered in a century, the crew has been experiencing indescribable hardships. Yu Rongguang's mouth was even more affected by