The story takes place in 1944 in the central Hebei plain. It was during the stalemate stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan that the Japanese aggressors in China were struggling to the death. There is a literary village in central Hebei, where there is a kind-hearted and wealthy person who is kind and generous. After the fall, Wen Shanren, who was timid and afraid of things, endured humiliation and made a living. He originally intended to become a commoner for this lifetime. Unexpectedly
The story takes place in 1944 in the central Hebei plain. It was during the stalemate stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan that the Japanese aggressors in China were struggling to the death. There is a literary village in central Hebei, where there is a kind-hearted and wealthy person who is kind and generous. After the fall, Wen Shanren, who was timid and afraid of things, endured humiliation and made a living. He originally intended to become a commoner for this lifetime. Unexpectedly