This drama revolves around modern love and marriage. Tian Xiaoqing, Tian Xiaohe, and Tian Xiaoye's siblings encountered difficulties in love and marriage. Tian Xiaoye's relationship with his college classmate Cheng Yao was broken up by his mother; Tian Xiaoqing was laid off, and her husband met a wealthy widow outside, which led to an extramarital affair; Tian Xiaohe was raped before marriage, husband
This drama revolves around modern love and marriage. Tian Xiaoqing, Tian Xiaohe, and Tian Xiaoye's siblings encountered difficulties in love and marriage. Tian Xiaoye's relationship with his college classmate Cheng Yao was broken up by his mother; Tian Xiaoqing was laid off, and her husband met a wealthy widow outside, which led to an extramarital affair; Tian Xiaohe was raped before marriage, husband