The drama is adapted from the manga "My Brother is Killing Again" and tells the story of a clever and cute genius girl named Xia who unexpectedly arrives at a strange world of immortals and knights in search of her missing brother. She has a funny and warm daily relationship with her younger brother, Demon Lord Shi Dong, and the Jade Flower Sect's founder, Hou Chi. From then on, the two brothers work together to "guard"
The drama is adapted from the manga "My Brother is Killing Again" and tells the story of a clever and cute genius girl named Xia who unexpectedly arrives at a strange world of immortals and knights in search of her missing brother. She has a funny and warm daily relationship with her younger brother, Demon Lord Shi Dong, and the Jade Flower Sect's founder, Hou Chi. From then on, the two brothers work together to "guard"