The first season of "The Bad People in the Painting World" revolves around the Longquan treasure hidden by the Tang Dynasty's official "bad people" who were engaged in the investigation and arrest of thieves. Famous historical events such as the Huang Chao Uprising, Zhu Wen's usurpation of the throne, the execution of the Li clan, and the murder of the father by Youxi also run through it. The second season will continue to bring about the Battle of Luzhou, Fengxiang
The first season of "The Bad People in the Painting World" revolves around the Longquan treasure hidden by the Tang Dynasty's official "bad people" who were engaged in the investigation and arrest of thieves. Famous historical events such as the Huang Chao Uprising, Zhu Wen's usurpation of the throne, the execution of the Li clan, and the murder of the father by Youxi also run through it. The second season will continue to bring about the Battle of Luzhou, Fengxiang