The story takes place in the early Qing Dynasty, when the Minister of Rites, Peng Peng (played by Li Jinrong), is sent by Kangxi to Guangxi to quell the rebellion. Throughout this long journey, there are countless dangers hidden, as well as countless ghosts and snakes who want to take Peng Peng's life. However, behind Peng Peng, there were a group of brave and courageous friends supporting him
The story takes place in the early Qing Dynasty, when the Minister of Rites, Peng Peng (played by Li Jinrong), is sent by Kangxi to Guangxi to quell the rebellion. Throughout this long journey, there are countless dangers hidden, as well as countless ghosts and snakes who want to take Peng Peng's life. However, behind Peng Peng, there were a group of brave and courageous friends supporting him