The story takes place during the Anti Japanese War. In order to prevent the destruction of national treasures in the war, the authorities transported nearly ten thousand boxes of cultural relics to Mount Emei in Sichuan. The Japanese army learned that one of the seals contained a thousand tons of gold treasure map, so they sent spies to follow and steal it as military pay. Chinese Communist Party agent Ye Zhao (played by Fu Dalong) is ordered to infiltrate the interior of Japanese spies. He works with the county
The story takes place during the Anti Japanese War. In order to prevent the destruction of national treasures in the war, the authorities transported nearly ten thousand boxes of cultural relics to Mount Emei in Sichuan. The Japanese army learned that one of the seals contained a thousand tons of gold treasure map, so they sent spies to follow and steal it as military pay. Chinese Communist Party agent Ye Zhao (played by Fu Dalong) is ordered to infiltrate the interior of Japanese spies. He works with the county