The drama takes place during the feudal dynasty of Daye, where the male protagonist Xiao Duo enters the palace as a false identity to avenge his younger brother. He endures humiliation and constantly seeks power, and reaches the hands of the Zhaoding Department to gain power, only to explore the true culprit of the murder. Although the female protagonist Buyin Lou was born into the family of the Grand Tutor, she was forced to enter the palace and become a young talent. One day, I narrowly passed the hurdle of being buried as a goddess in the morning, so I met Xiao Duo
The drama takes place during the feudal dynasty of Daye, where the male protagonist Xiao Duo enters the palace as a false identity to avenge his younger brother. He endures humiliation and constantly seeks power, and reaches the hands of the Zhaoding Department to gain power, only to explore the true culprit of the murder. Although the female protagonist Buyin Lou was born into the family of the Grand Tutor, she was forced to enter the palace and become a young talent. One day, I narrowly passed the hurdle of being buried as a goddess in the morning, so I met Xiao Duo