The story begins in the 1970s. In a certain military district courtyard, a group of descendants of soldiers live carefree. Zhang Weiping (played by Duan Yihong) is widely recognized as a bad boy, while his brother Zhang Xiangping (played by Liu Xiaofeng) is the idol of the children. On this day, Xiang Pingtu, who was going home to visit relatives, received the order to return to the team and met him
The story begins in the 1970s. In a certain military district courtyard, a group of descendants of soldiers live carefree. Zhang Weiping (played by Duan Yihong) is widely recognized as a bad boy, while his brother Zhang Xiangping (played by Liu Xiaofeng) is the idol of the children. On this day, Xiang Pingtu, who was going home to visit relatives, received the order to return to the team and met him