Feng Wenjun, the son of a small town driver, nicknamed "Naughty Son", was sentenced to prison for driving under the influence of alcohol and injuring someone before escaping. A few years later, the reformed coward became the captain and lead singer of the provincial prison's electroacoustic band, but was released with reduced sentence for meritorious service. When he was released from prison, the female warden Lu Xia gave him the guitar he had played and instructed him to "sing good songs"
Feng Wenjun, the son of a small town driver, nicknamed "Naughty Son", was sentenced to prison for driving under the influence of alcohol and injuring someone before escaping. A few years later, the reformed coward became the captain and lead singer of the provincial prison's electroacoustic band, but was released with reduced sentence for meritorious service. When he was released from prison, the female warden Lu Xia gave him the guitar he had played and instructed him to "sing good songs"