The wealthy young master Diqin (played by Lv Songxian) accidentally loses his memory and drifts to the streets, losing contact with his family. Despite being penniless, he is fortunate to have the help of his neighbor Zhongbo and temporarily takes him in. Diqin used to be a businessman who resorted to any means to achieve his goals. After losing his memory, he completely forgot about his past, and his life also changed
The wealthy young master Diqin (played by Lv Songxian) accidentally loses his memory and drifts to the streets, losing contact with his family. Despite being penniless, he is fortunate to have the help of his neighbor Zhongbo and temporarily takes him in. Diqin used to be a businessman who resorted to any means to achieve his goals. After losing his memory, he completely forgot about his past, and his life also changed